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Mont Blanc 4810m

2 days
from 740 euros
→ June-Sep
Difficulty ●●●●

It was 1796 when Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard completed the first ascent of Mont Blanc, a date destined to change history and overturn the very idea of mountains, effectively decreeing the birth of mountaineering. Immense, irresistible and full of suggestions, Mont Blanc is a huge iceberg disputed between Italy and France. As good neighbors, the two tenants divided the spaces equally, each with its own independent access line:

VIA DEL PAPA | ITALIAN NORMAL – A long and challenging ascent in an impressive high mountain environment, among remote and isolated landscapes. VIA DÔME DU GOÛTER | NORMAL FRENCH – Considered as the easiest route up Mont Blanc, it also requires good physical preparation and uncommon mountaineering skills.

Program: VIA DEL PAPA, G1 – Courmayeur, Val Veny 1659m, Miage Glacier, Rifugio Gonnella 3071m. G2 – Dôme Glacier, Piton des Italiens 4002m, Dome du Gouter 4304m, Cresta des Bosses, Mont Blanc 4810m. Return via the same line. VIA DÔME DU GOÛTER, G1 – Les Houches, by cable car and rack to Nid d'Aigle 2372m, Rifugio Goûter 3835m. G2 – Dome du Gôuter 4304m, Cresta Les Bosses, Mont Blanc 4810m and return via the same line. NB: the program may vary based on weather conditions, level of physical fitness and ability of the participants, unpredictable events upstream and/or the advice of your guide.

The fee includes: UIAGM mountain guide service, logistical organisation, insurance, technical material, souvenir photo. Not included: shelters, transfers and ski lifts for oneself and the guide to be divided among the participants.

Contact us for any info, request or personalized program.

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